除旧迎新 马到功成
2014年1月11日晚,安省大多地区西部湖滨小镇奥克维尔(Oakville)华人春节晚会将在镇中心的演艺中心(Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts)盛大上演。
近年来大多地区西部美丽的湖滨小镇迎来了不断增长的华人人口,中文已成为荷顿地区(Halton Region)的第三大语言。为了更好地为华人居民提供安居服务,奥克维尔华人联盟正在积极编撰《奥克维尔中文社区服务指导》,印数为2000册,将于1月11日的春节晚会上免费派发给现场约500名观众,其余的随后在各个新移民中心、服务机构、图书馆、语言学校及教会等处展示、赠阅。
据活动主办方奥克维尔华人联盟(Oakville Chinese Network)介绍,本次晚会特意选在美丽古老的奥克维尔老镇中心最现代化、最豪华的剧院——奥克维尔演艺中心上演,内外环境别具风情,对于到场的观众也是一次难得的悠闲体验。演艺中心座位近500个,在奥克维尔镇主街一带停车、餐饮、购物都极为方便。
1. 奥克维尔演艺中心(Oakville Centre of the Performing Arts)售票处
地址:130 Navy Street, Oakville
电话: 905-815-2021/1-888-489-7784
2. 奥克维尔金岸茶社(Golden Coast Tea Club)
地址:278 Kerr St, Oakville, ON. Canada L6K 3B3
3. 密西沙加第一文化中心
地址:3450 Ridgeway Dr., Mississauga, ON L5L 0A2
【关于奥克维尔华人联盟】奥克维尔华人联盟(Oakville Chinese Network)是一个服务奥克维尔并惠及荷顿地区的社团组织,于2012年9月经安省政府注册,并于2013年元月19日正式成立,是一个非宗教、非政治、非赢利的团体,由一群热心社会公益事业的义工负责运营。奥克维尔华人联盟秉承友爱、互助、团结、奋进的信念,以全心全意服务华人社区,推进华人积极参与本地社会事务,为加拿大的多元文化作出贡献为宗旨,传承并发扬中华传统文化和美德,帮助华人更好地融入加拿大社会。联盟成立以来,已陆续举办过2013年春节晚会、健步活动以及2013年中秋晚会等重要活动。Oakville Chinese New Year Show — to be held in downtown
On January 11th, 2014 at Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts
A performance gathering celebrating the Chinese New Year will be held in Oakville Centre of Performance Arts, west
of downtown, on January 11th, 2014.
According to the lunar calendar, the Chinese New Year for 2014 will be on January 31. Gathering together with family
and having a big dinner is the typical tradition for Chinese to celebrate the New Year. The Oakville Chinese Network,
founded in September 2012, organizer of the performance night, is working hard on it with the best wishes to provide
an opportunity for Oakville Chinese to celebrate together.
In the Chinese Zodiac tradition, 2014 will be the year of horse. The performance will be a musical entitled I wish to say
goodbye to the past and express the happiness to hug the better future. The musical will be led starred by Sixteen Miles
Creek Musical Mission, a subsidiary to the Oakville Chinese Network. Meanwhile, many Oakville Chinese institutions
and residents are taking part in this performance.
A Chinese Community Service Guide will debut at the night. Up to 500 audiences will be given a complimentary copy,
the other 1500 copies will be handed out in the Welcome Centre, language schools, churches and community libraries.
Ticket Information:
1. Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts
Address: 130 Navy Street, Oakville
Tel: 905-815-2021/1-888-489-7784
2. Oakville Golden Coast Tea Club
Address: 278 Kerr St, Oakville, ON. Canada L6K 3B3
Tel: 416-628-7828
3. The Mississauga No. 1 Culture and Arts Centre
Address: 3450 Ridgeway Dr., Mississauga, ON L5L 0A2
Tel: 647-292-0811
4. Online:http://www.oakvillecentre.ca