

亲爱的梅花女子ZUMBA® 项目组成员:


    一、时间 :从2018年6月25日开始至2018年9月中旬的每一个周一 晚上7:00-8:00(节假日除外,具体时间看群公告)

   二、地点:Dance Studio at Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Culture Center (2302 Bridge Road, Oakville)


         暑期班每一个人一次性收费$40,缴费并签署免责声明以后我们提供一张体验班会员卡,每一次必须持卡前来活动,到达 现场以后自觉将卡交给管理人员签到以后方可进场活动。


  • 请尊重教练和管理人员以及学员们。
  • 请自觉持卡进场,请着专业运动装。
  • 请在每一次活动前确认自己的体能是否适合此类活动,如有异常请及时和管理人员提出。
  • 请妥善保管好自己的随身物品,结束时候务必记得带走。
  • 请把手机调至静音模式。
  • 请在离开的时候带走自己所有物品并确保不在现场留下任何垃圾。
  • 为了确保活动场地的宽敞和杜绝安全隐患,我们不接受超负荷的人员加入。


In July 2011 Suzie decided to become a licensed ZUMBA® Fitness Instructor. She wanted to share her love of music and movement, but most of all she wanted to help people get off the couch and moving more. Her passion for ZUMBA® is stronger than ever. She loves helping participants feel just as she did while taking classes.  ZUMBA® is about having fun while feeling successful and confident and on top of that, there is the fitness aspect to the classes. You’ll tone muscles and burn calories with every routine, achieving a full body workout.

Working out doesn’t have to be boring! Seeing all those smiling faces and knowing the success participants are feeling is what Suzie loves the most about what she does. Come out and try a class! What have you got to lose? Move your body, sweat and have fun, that’s what ZUMBA® Fitness is all about!”






